• if compassion, not cynicism, because the primary driver of change and conversations in our world.

  • if we didn’t judge others by their worst mistake for all time.

  • if everyone who wanted to vote, could.

  • if people voted out of generosity toward their neighbors instead of insecurity over their own resources.

  • if we prioritized people over the past (traditions, outdated systems, etc.)

  • if social media apps did not have push notifications on any device

  • if companies sent you a box of real cookies every time you agree to their cookie policy

  • if the criminal justice system was focused on rehabilitation instead of punishment

  • if companies, political parties, and people invested as much into the arts as they did into ads.

  • if every political candidate donated money their opponent’s favorite charity every time they ran an attack ad against them, out of good will.

  • if we limited terms for the Supreme Court and staggered start/stop times for each justice every two years so that performative politics over “fairness” and proximity to elections would end.

  • if people spent more time fighting for those wrongly accused of crimes instead of wrongly accusing others of stealing an election

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one


What Makes a Successful Leader?


Why We Vote